Even though the URL has the query string parameter that is expected by the next component in the pipeline, the request isn’t forwarded, so that middleware doesn’t get used. Notice, however, that the previous component in the pipeline has added its message to the response. That’s because the short-circuiting only prevents components further along the pipeline from being used and doesn’t affect earlier componentsEven though the URL has the query string parameter that is expected by the next component in the pipeline, the request isn’t forwarded, so that middleware doesn’t get used. Notice, however, that the previous component in the pipeline has added its message to the response. That’s because the short-circuiting only prevents components further along the pipeline from being used and doesn’t affect earlier components
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Componenten die volledige antwoorden genereren, kunnen ervoor kiezen de volgende functie niet aan te roepen, zodat het verzoek niet wordt doorgegeven.
Van componenten die geen verzoeken doorgeven, wordt gezegd dat ze de pipeline kortsluiten, wat de nieuwe middleware-component laat zien in doet dit voor verzoeken die zich richten op de /short URL.

Even though the URL has the query string parameter that is expected by the next component in the pipeline, the request 
isn’t forwarded, so that middleware doesn’t get used. Notice, however, that the previous component in the pipeline has added its 
message to the response. That’s because the short-circuiting only prevents components further along the pipeline from being used 
and doesn’t affect earlier components

De nieuwe middleware controleert de eigenschap Path van het HttpRequest-object om te zien of het verzoek voor de /short URL is; als het is zo dat het de WriteAsync-methode aanroept zonder de volgende functie aan te roepen. Om het effect te zien, start u ASP.NET Core opnieuw op en navigeert u naar het
http://localhost:5000/short?custom=true URL

Door alfons

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